Trapos Limited Overview
Trapos Limited is a Nairobi-based aerial transit solutions development firm. founded in 2012 by its Chairman, Dr. Eustace Mwarania, an electrical engineer by training, Trapos was borne out of his desire to address the ever-growing congestion problem evident in urban cities in Kenya sub Saharan African region. During his quest to pursue an innovative solution, he found himself in Singapore, where he observed the operation of overhead Aerial Cable Cars being applied within the urban environment. At that point, it occurred to him that such technology could also be applied within Kenya as well as the entire African continent, given the extremely adverse congestion problems which exist. Hence, the mission of Trapos is to address this congestion problem through its development and implementation of innovative Aerial Cable Car technology within major Sub-Saharan African urban population centres. Given its Nairobi-based location, Trapos’ principals are keenly aware of the major congestion challenges facing Kenyan citizens on a daily basis, and have, therefore, made it their mission to address this issue in an effective manner.
Trapos Limited's Management Team background
Trapos’ team is led by a diverse group of talented individuals of multidisciplinary backgrounds. Executive experiences span multiple continents, including North America, South America, Europe, The Middle East, and Africa. From a technical perspective, team members have large-scale real estate development project expertise and actualization. In addition, all executives are graduate degree, or multiple graduate degree holders in fields such as, engineering, urban planning, real estate development, marketing, finance, and human resources. The combined management experience of the core senior management team spans beyond 70 years. As Trapos embarks upon its mission to expand this innovative Aerial Cable Car technology across the region, the team is well-poised and prepared meet the challenges posed by bringing such projects to actualization.