The Sh5.8 billion Likoni Cable Cars project, which has been approved, will take at least 18 months to complete and will be unveiled in June 2020.
According to the Project Development Sponsor, Trapos Limited, the Private-Public Partnership (PPP) initiative will be commissioned early next year.
The cable cars will be a huge relief for ferry users, who have often suffered delays at the Likoni crossing channel caused by stalling of ferries midstream.
The delays have been blamed for the huge traffic snarl-ups that have seen the South Coast being shunned by tourists, who sometimes miss their flights at Moi International Airport.
Trapos chairman Eustace Mwarania said an environmental assessment and sub-ground tests must be undertaken first before the project kicks off.
The cable cars will transport up to 5,500 passengers in one direction or double that number in both directions in one hour.
Kenya Ferry Services (KFS) has already signed a 25-year concession agreement for the project connecting Likoni mainland with the Island.
The project will grant exclusivity to a consortium, Likoni Cable Express Ltd, under the Build-Own-Operate-Transfer model.